Using drones for contactless package delivery
Project title: Using drones for contactless package delivery
Tender: Public tender “Project work for the acquisition of practical experience and knowledge of students in the working environment 2022/2023”
Pedagogical mentor of the project: assoc. prof. dr. Andrej Lisec
Local partner: Post of Slovenia LtD.
Project duration: 1. 2. 2023 – 30. 6. 2023
Brief description of content:
Educating college students is key to understanding the use of drones for package delivery. This means a low-carbon society, as we do not need vehicles for delivery and fuel consumption, and at the same time we do not destroy infrastructure. With this aim, we promote sustainable mobility and the use of renewable energy sources. With the business partner and the applicant, there is the possibility of practical distance education (MSTeams), especially in the work related to general content (presentations, materials) and practical written examples (calculations, concepts, ideas). It is also possible to conduct virtual workshops (creating a concept, solving problems, developing business models, etc.). Testing in the field and in the production itself can be carried out in compliance with valid health and hygiene regulations, and when forming small groups.