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Knowledge of hydrogen technologies for the needs of sustainable mobility in the Slovenian higher education area

Public call: “NOO: Reform of higher education for a green and resilient transition to Society 5.0.” Pilot project “Single entry point for employers and innovative forms of cooperation with students”

Pedagogical mentor of the project: assoc. prof. dr. Matjaž Knez

Project duration: 1. 4. 2023 – 30. 6. 2023

Brief description of content:

For hydrogen to succeed in the decarbonization of society, millions of people will have to adopt this new technology. But widespread adoption of hydrogen can only be achieved if public awareness of this solution is relatively high. This is why hydrogen education is becoming crucial. And it will start with the involvement of young people.

How to fight hydrogen myths? How to empower young people to contribute to the scale of hydrogen and hydrogen technologies? How to turn knowledge about hydrogen into an advantage in the fight against climate change? What is the influence of hydrogen in geopolitics and how can young people, on whom we will build our future, contribute to this? These are the questions we will try to answer.

The mobilization of the younger generations is therefore crucial and requires a great deal of educational effort. Today, knowledge of hydrogen among young people at the academic level is relatively low. There are more and more young people who understand the potential of hydrogen and its role in the ongoing sustainability transition, but they are still few. Young people encounter hydrogen when they learn about electrolysis in science or the H-bomb in high school history, but there is much more to be learned about hydrogen and its derivatives, its utility for society’s decarbonization needs, with an emphasis on sustainable mobility.

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