16th International conference “Agricultural Logistics”
Join us at the
16th International Conference on Agricultural Logistics.
The conference is organized by: the Faculty of Logistics of the University of Maribor, Visoka šola za upravljanje podeželja GRM Novo mesto, Grm Novo mesto – center biotehnike in turizma, the Municipality of Sevnica and Zadružna zveza Slovenije.
The central theme of this year’s conference will be “Digitalization of logistics in agriculture“.
The conference will take place on Thursday, November 10, 2022, live at Grm Novo mesto – Center for Biotechnology and Tourism.
The deadline for submitting contributions is October 20, 2022.
Instructions for authors can be found HERE.
Paper template: link
Submit your contribution via the online form: https://forms.gle/WMsWwrQD3jC1w1GA8
We are cordially inviting you to attend and participate in the conference.
Participation is free of charge!